We are pioneers. We move mountains and go through hard rock because we have the best minds in Estonia and top technology in the field for creating engineering structures. We have accepted all challenges and completed them. Every road, tunnel, intersection, railway section, or bridge we build advances someone’s life or business. This is our job – to develop the field and provide all opportunities for progress to the people of Estonia.

The journey we started building in 1961 continues – this is the journey of TREV-2 itself. We believe that this path will offer us many more exciting challenges and lessons! We do all this with a cohesive and supportive team – we sincerely care about every employee with whom we share and build this common path.

Our Field of Work

Our Field of Work

Our field of work is broad and reaches almost everywhere. We produce, build, maintain, and recycle. With us, you can use modern technology to construct even the most complex engineering objects that help preserve nature and biodiversity. Together we create a livable environment for all of Estonia!

Your Development

Your Development

We give you the opportunity to climb the career ladder and support you if you wish to take a step sideways to another profession. Our key principles are trusting and valuing our employees. We recognise our people for their ambition and achievements. When searching for leaders, we first look to our own employees. We actively contribute to the broader development of the sector and cooperate with various educational institutions in the field. To be in the big picture, we always look at it more broadly!

You Are Important

You Are Important

TREV-2’s roots are firmly in Estonian soil. We are one of the infrastructure construction companies with the longest history in Estonia and have extensive experience and practice in our field. We want you to feel safe and valued in the company. We want this feeling to accompany you in your career choices and every day at work. Together, we can create lasting values.

Our Team

Our Team

We are professionals and top performers in our field. If we need to go through hard rock, we will.In the right direction and with modern technology. You will have a team by your side characterised by forward-moving energy and staying up-to-date. Various challenges are the test of our knowledge, skills, and teamwork. By taking on different challenges collectively, we pave the way to the future together!

Hardi, Road Maintenance Supervisor/Project Manager

Some of my friends already worked in road construction, which gave me the idea to study it as well. In 2008, I enrolled at the Tallinn University of Applied Sciences and started an internship at AS TREV-2 Grupp (then AS Põlva Teed). My internship began as a road worker, where my main tasks were various auxiliary jobs – installing signs, shovelling, and raking. By the end of the internship, I had more tasks and dealt with project marking. After the second summer internship, I started working as a project manager indefinitely, and since 2014, I have been a road maintenance project manager.

I enjoy working here because the team is nice and supportive. I can apply my learned profession and realise myself. I have been working here for 10 years, but I still learn something new every day. Additional motivation comes from the company’s benefits and training opportunities and the possibility to develop internally.

As a road maintenance project manager, I mainly work behind a computer, but I also need to visit sites. I prepare quotes, communicate with clients, and organise work on sites. What I like most about my job is its diversity – I can handle different tasks and problems and constantly interact with new people.

The most important qualities for working here are the willingness to learn new skills and the courage to ask for help and advice when needed. Good communication skills and the courage to take on new challenges are also essential.

I have very friendly and helpful colleagues. If I have a question or problem that I cannot solve myself, I can always get help from colleagues, and together we find a solution.

I highly recommend joining AS TREV-2 Grupp because we are one of the largest road and infrastructure construction companies in Estonia. We constantly develop interesting and innovative solutions. Tööandjana pakub ettevõte lisahüvesid ja koolitusi ning võimalust areneda ametiredelil ettevõttesiseselt.

Anton, Production and Sales Manager of Traffic Management Equipment

I joined the great team at TREV-2 almost nine years ago when I started drafting construction-time traffic management schemes alongside university. For me as a student, it was a great job – I could do a significant part of the work at my chosen time and place. The competent team and exciting challenges kept me with the company. Over the years, I have worked in traffic management as a construction-time traffic management manager, a traffic management materials procurement manager, and now as a sales manager.

Sometimes I think that nine years in one company is quite a long time, but I always conclude that with such competent colleagues and exciting challenges, the number of years doesn’t matter much.

There is no routine in my workday – all days are slightly different. The tasks are largely influenced by the season – winter and spring involve more budgeting and making offers. At the beginning of summer, more emphasis is placed on materials supply and communication with clients. Most of our materials are supplied from abroad, so part of the job involves visiting foreign partners and hosting them in Estonia.

To do well in road construction and enjoy it, it’s essential to understand the impact of seasonality on the field. The calm and quiet winter period is always followed by an intense construction period. It is also important to notice problems in their early stages and aim to solve them immediately. Time management is also crucial, which is fortunately a learnable skill if you want it.

The work environment is most affected by colleagues – if you get along well with them, other things seem less important. I consider this very important and a strong point of TREV-2. AS TREV-2 Grupp offers a competent work collective, and as one of the largest infrastructure builders in Estonia, we can provide exciting challenges and opportunities for self-development.

Currently, no offers available.



Currently, no offers available.

TREV2 Instagramis

🎊 TREV-2 Grupil algas 1. oktoobril uus viieaastane lepinguperiood Jõgeva maakonna riigiteede hooldel!

🚜 Sellega seoses uuendame oma masinaparki uute teehooldeautode ja traktoritega, et pakkuda kõigile liiklejatele hooldatud teid uusima tehnoloogiaga. Kokku teostatakse tali- ja suvehoolet sellel perioodil üle 1100 kilomeetril teedel, lisaks kuuluvad tööde mahtu sildade hooldamine.

💡Jõgeva maakonnas on TREV-2 hooldustöid teostanud aastast 2014.

#roadconstruction #trev2 #workattrev2 #teekondühendabmeid #minutrev2 #trev2grupp

🎉 TREV-2 Grupp jätkab uue lepingu kohaselt Viimsi valla teehooldajana aastani 2029!

🚦Viimsi vallal on üle 300km teid koos kergliiklusteedega, millel teostatakse nii suvi- kui ka talihooldustöid. Oleme neid hooldanud juba aastast 2009, kuid uue lepingu kohaselt jäävad niitmistööd ja bussipeatuste hooldus teiste partnerite teostada.

Pildi autor: Siim Jürima

#roadconstruction #trev2 #workattrev2 #teekondühendabmeid #minutrev2 #trev2grupp

💡Kas teadsid, et TREV-2 annab välja stipendiumeid?

Oleme juba enam kui kaks aastakümmet andnud välja omanimelist stipendiumi, et luua tudengitele võimalus täies mahus õpingutele pühenduda ja ühtlasi õppureid ka heade õpitulemuste eest tunnustada. TREV-2 stipendiumi leiab TalTechi Inseneriteaduskonna stipendiumite kategooriast. 🎓

👉 Loe lähemalt: https://taltech.ee/arengufond/stipendiumid/2024-sugis

#trev2grupp #roadconstruction #trev2 #workattrev2 #teekondühendabmeid #minutrev2

Sel aastal peatusime TREV-2 suvepäevadel mõnusas „sanatooriumis“, kus aeg seisis ning saime mõnusalt meeskonnaga lõõgastuda. Turgutasime keha ja vaimu, naersime kõvasti ning nautisime igat hetke. Selline puhkus on võimalik ainult parima tiimiga! ☺️✨☀️

#trev2grupp #roadconstruction #trev2 #workattrev2 #teekondühendabmeid #minutrev2

@etvosoon tuli meile Männiku karjääri külla! 🎬

Kuidas kaevandada keskkonnasõbralikult ning mis seisus Männiku karjääri projekt on, saate juba järgmine esmaspäev kl 20.30 ETVst näha! 🌱

#trev2grupp #roadconstruction #trev2 #workattrev2 #teekondühendabmeid #minutrev2

🤝 Eile tunnustas @transpordiamet traditsiooni kohaselt mulluseid koostööpartnereid, kus meil oli au pälvida Parima sillaehitaja tiitel.

💪 Ennekõike toodi välja, et meie rajatised on alati kõrge kvaliteediga, töökorraldus hästi planeeritud ja koostöö tulemuslik. Koostöös Transpordiametiga valmis meil eelmisel aastal Tallinna ringtee Kanama–Valingu 2+2 teelõik ja Tagadi–Kurtna kõrvalmaanteel Rail Baltica maanteeviadukt. Valingu objekti puhul toodi välja, et vaatamata rongiliiklusele õnnestus meil tööd graafikus hoida.

🏗️ Täname tunnustuse eest ning ootame juba viljakaid projekte sel aastal!

Foto: Rene Lutterus/Transpordiamet

#trev2grupp #roadconstruction #trev2 #workattrev2 #teekondühendabmeid #minutrev2